Every year the Institute guides 8 short term research projects done by the DIET faculty. It also guides Action Research done by teachers. The faculty too has done mid term and long term research over the years. However it is envisioned to reorient the task of the research as under.
- Study of the entities in education and how they are categorized.
- Study of knowledge and how it is acquired. The branches of knowledge.
- Study of the methods of teaching and learning.
- Study of values with a free and unbiased view.
- Study of the structure and organization of schools and educational administration.
As per the NCFTE 2009 the there is a need to reform the B.Ed. and M.Ed. syllabus. The vision to reform would be as depicted in the following figure.

The steps of reform would be
- Sensitizing teacher educators on framing and implementing curriculum.
- Understanding the pedagogical practices and theories.
- Evolving effective and comprehensive methods and techniques of assessment and evaluation.
- Understanding child, childhood and adolescence not merely as a psychological entity but in the social context
- Understanding the problems of the contemporary society.
- Understanding the classroom in social context.
- Understanding Education as a separate discipline of study.
- Arrangement of long term practice teaching in schools under the supervision of able mentors.
- Visit to centres of innovation.
- Encourage classroom based research.
There is a need to develop training management system for in-service training of teacher educators. This would be the model of training management system.
There is a sheer need to provide for teacher educators in the training institutions. There are various reasons for it from policy to reluctance of people to join TEIs. The vacancies are to be filled in collaboration and direction of the SCERT.
Workshops, seminars and project tasks are useful to enthuse the teacher educator to investigate into the problem areas of teaching and learning. Hence the institution would be organizing them frequently. Every year one national level seminar would be held in the month June-July to commemorate the establishment of the institution.
There is a need to give space for designing and choosing reading material to the teacher educators. It would be done by sharing, discussions and workshops with specialists in the area. The materials would be selected by-
- Translating available materials in English into Hindi.
- Choosing short stories and essays like memoir of Harishankar Parsai on his teacher(Bagga Massab), Dajyu by Shekhar Joshi, etc. for the teacher educators to explore the realms of education.
- Psychometric methods of assessment and Sociometric methods to analyze school related data of enrollment, retention and related issues.
Curriculum is a statement and the syllabus too gives details of the statement but a lot is not mentioned in the statement or the details of it. Yet there are so many aspects which are stressed through activities like the so called extracurricular activities. These activities have hidden messages of the curriculum and foster qualities that are desirable in the teacher educator. Collection of folk tales, folksongs, adapting local story telling techniques, improvisation of text materials to enact plays, appreciation of classical music, dance, theatre and film- these are some of the areas where we can intervene and enrich ourselves.
The vertical and horizontal linkages would be as given below.

The monitoring mechanism would be as given below.
- Hold monthly meetings of DIET faculty at CTEs, and monthly meetings of CTE and DET Principals at IASE to review the tasks undertaken.
- Analyze the training needs of teachers at all levels and find out suitable methods and procedure of training teachers.
- Hold seminars to enter into discourse in education.
- Evaluate training outcomes through observation and by applying appropriate tools.
- Disseminate research findings among the TEIs.